Some nice links I have collected

Here is a list of nice FlightGear-related links I have found in the Internet.

· Anders' nice multi-player carrier patch. This one is now included in CVS
· Stewart's Hangar
· Lighter-than-air simulation in JSBSim and FlightGear
· Helijah's Hangar
· buster's FlightGear Site
· jomo's FlightGear Site
· My announcement for my MP server mpserver08 @ the forums.
· My announcement for my launcher script.
· Another link I need to addd...

Other "internal" pages I host here:

· Access to the GIT repository behind this website
· Tutorial for GIMP to create draw paths
· "PFS" Scam - Don't buy it!

Meet you in FGFS. :)

PS: My manually mirrored download archive for FlightGear can be found here. So take a look around. :)

Created: 2009-03-18 | Last update: 2013-02-22 | Author: Roland Häder
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Quix0r's FlightGear Website by Roland Haeder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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