What you should know before you order PFS
The PFS (Pro Flight Simulator) is a fork of FlightGear with main focus on making quick money (more to scam on innocent people
but more about that later). Right now, I don't feel comfortable to put a link to these scammer
folks. So just search and *DON'T* buy it. So I start with their webpage (the source
code file is a different topic).
The header is on nearly every page the same and looks "professionally" made. The index page
(where you enter a website) looks like every other MLM product advertising page I have seen so far. I also
spare out to link to them for the same reason I will not link to PFS). On that page you can already find
many lies if you know FlightGear for a longer time:
- FlightGear includes only GPL'ed elevation data (which you can
somtimes get from government agencies), so they put that fact that
FlightGear "lacks" of accurate world scenery into their own.
Their claim to have the most accurate scenery data is based this so it
is the first lie.
- The same applies to aircrafts and models. So they use the same fact
in their advantage: FlightGear only looks like it has
only a few aircrafts/helicopters to offer. But with all people's hangers together, FlightGear will
have more (many thanks to you guys!).
- They claim to have 200,000 airports, but also fully developed? As
you may know, some airports in FlightGear are just "stubs" so
only a runway and maybe some taxi ways are there (plus wind sock and
some lights maybe). Again, they use that fact in their advantage.
- There is TaxiDraw for drawing taxi ways (please no fictional!) and,
yeah, the flight planner they throw in as a bonus. See below for source
code references if you are interested in these programs.
- There are military jets with working guns and missiles. The fact
that not all aircrafts can be shoot down because of missing information
(the other aircraft simply "igores" those missile hits) is
simply there. They make use of that in their advantage, again.
- FlightGear does have handbooks, but not all are freely available
from the original writers. And FlightGear has in-game help and tutorials
(they claim to have video tutorials, FlightGear have them in-game,
rendered interactivly and live in fron of your own eyes!) And with the
help of festival, even voiced.
- FlightGear is freely available (free as in freedom), no charge for
extra aircrafts or scenery.
- The missing photo-realistic scenery in FlightGear might be true, but
again FlightGear depends on freely available data (which is
not Google Maps).
- There is no need of a membership (as they ofer to you). If you have
questions, send them to the mailing list or forums (both free
registration without charge).
- "Open source products do not offer any support" which is
simply not true. Support for FlightGear is available in
many ways: Forums, mailing list, chat or the bug tracker.
- On free software you don' have any gurantees. So if you play
with FlightGear (and have downloaded the data e.g. through an expensive
satellite link) and it crashes, it is your risk, not FlightGear'.
This is a very common thing, that free software comes with no gurantee
(to be runable), many people just don't know it and they (PFS) put
it again into use in their advantage.
- More to come up with ...
Source code references
SourceForge Project Website
git clone git://mapserver.flightgear.org/taxidraw
Kelpie Flight Planner:
SourceForge Project Website
And please remember one thing: I don't call myself as a truther or so. I just summon up this
page to put some simple facts about the PFS scam together.
PS: My manually mirrored download archive for FlightGear can be found
here. So take a look around. :)
Created: 2011-06-08 |
Last update: 2013-02-22 |
Author: Roland Häder
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Based on a work at http://flightgear.mxchange.org/repos/flightgear/trunk/.