A continued flight from LEMD over LFPG and EDDL to EDDH

This is a continued flight enroute of LIRF over LEIB to LEMD.

You can use this flight plan for the auto-pilot in your favorite airplane (never in real!). You should be directed straight on the runway for save landing... and don't forget to pull out the gear! ;-)

· LEMD (Madrid, Spain)
· RBT06 (Lower altitude here)
· RGS17
· PGD08
· LFPG (Not needed to enter in AP, set NAV1 to 110.1 MHz, 85.32 degrees)
· PG086
· BBE38
· MODRU (Lower altitude here)
· DL550
· DL013
· DL003
· R2934 (Set NAV1 to 111.5 MHz, 52.7 degrees)
· EDDL (Not needed to enter in AP)
· DL050
· BAM58
· DL430
· DGW01
· DH235 (Lower altitude here)
· DH258 (Altitude should be 3.000 ft)
· DH010
· R1276 (Set NAV1 to 110.5 MHz, 230.2 degrees
· EDDH (Not needed to enter in AP)

Notices: You should not climb higher than 10.000ft. You should begin reducing the altitude to 1.000 feet when you are approx. 4 to 6 minutes away with a maximum airspeed of 320 kts away from your desired destination. Reduce your speed to 180kts for a good landing with the Bravo.

And never use these flight plans in reality!

Meet you in FGFS. :)

PS: My manually mirrored download archive for FlightGear can be found here. So take a look around. :)

Created: 2008-04-26 | Last update: 2013-02-22 | Author: Roland Häder
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Quix0r's FlightGear Website by Roland Haeder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at http://flightgear.mxchange.org/repos/flightgear/trunk/.